about IELTS
Salient Features Of IELTS
IELTS Snapshot
No of Sections
Four (Listening, Reading, Writing Speaking)
Mode Of Test
Online / Offline
Listening Test
Four Sections, 40 Questions
Reading Test
40 Questions, 60 Mins
Writing Section
Task 1 and Task 2 – (1 Hour)
How To Prepare For IELTS
IELTS Listening
IELTS Reading
IELTS Writing
IELTS Speaking
How Should I Start My IELTS Preparation?
Step 1:
Take A Diagnostic Test.
Step 2:
Get Feedback
Step 3:
Identify your areas of opportunities
Step 4:
Make and revise your corrections logs
Step 5:
Take the next diagnostic test
Step 6:
Monitor progress and repeat these steps
Do you provide a Diagnostic Test?
Yes, we provide a diagnostic test. Here is the link:
This test is of 1 hour duration. It has two sections – Reading And Writing. You can do the test and submit your answers. We will arrange a one-to-one feedback for you. You will understand your areas of opportunities and a plan to bridge the gaps.
Are there any video tutorials for IELTS?
Yes, you can use the following links for IELTS Videos on different sections-
These tutorials give you an overview of IELTS test. You also get to learn basic strategies. Do make notes.
Here are the listening tutorials. Do go through different strategies for each of the tutorials and follow them. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
These tutorials give you strategies for each type of Reading Question type: True, False, Not Given; Match The Headings; Multiple Choice Questions, Fill ups etc. Do make notes while going through the videos.
Pay attention to different types of graphs – Line Charts, Bar Charts, Pie chart, etc. Also, learn the templates to describe pictures.